Bifurcation diagram of the logistics map in the Mandelbrot set

Bifurcation diagram of the logistics map in the Mandelbrot set

November 6, 2022

This is one of those thing that absolutely blew my mind when I found about it. The first the I came across this is in a video about the logistics map by Veritasium. I suggest to check out the video if you want to know more about it. The scene below renders the Mandelbrot set and uses all the real values of $z$ that are in the set as the y-axis. You can use the mouse to move it around.

To create the rendering, the following steps are taken.

  1. Generate a $(x, y)$ point that is used for $c$ when iterating $z^2 + c$.
  2. Store all the real values of $z$ that we encounter during the iteration.
  3. Discard everything if $z$ is outside of the Mandelbrot set, e.g. the argument is greater than 2.
  4. Generate points for all the real values, using those as the z-coordinate, using the $x$ and $y$ that has been generated in step 1.
  5. Create a point cloud to render all the points.

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